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New book by Meghan Kallman: The Death of Idealism: Development and Anti-Politics in the Peace Corps.

New book by Meghan Kallman: The Death of Idealism: Development and Anti-Politics in the Peace Corps.

Good afternoon everyone,


I hope you are as well as possible during this unprecedented time. I'm writing because several years ago you were kind enough to circulate a request through your RPCV listservs for folks to fill out a survey and/or sit for an interview about their experiences in the Peace Corps.


The culmination of that project has just been published in book form, which you can see here. I wish I could send a hard copy to everyone, but that's beyond the scope of the publishing agreement. However, the code CUP30 gets people a 30% discount. While it is an academic book, it's designed to be largely accessible to a general audience. 


Additionally, I have attached the scholarly articles that I've published from the dataset to this email. Bear in mind that these are printed in sociology and/or management journals, so they're a bit more technical, but here they are.


With best wishes for everyone's health and safety,





Meghan Elizabeth Kallman, PhD

Assistant Professor 

School for Global Inclusion and Social Development

UMASS Boston 


New book: Kallman, Meghan Elizabeth. 2020. The Death of Idealism: Development and Anti-Politics in the Peace Corps. New York: Columbia University Press.


"Do not be too moral. You may cheat yourself out of too much life. Aim above morality. Be not simply good; be good for something." ~ Henry David Thoreau

 April 23, 2020